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5 Important Hosting Considerations for WordPress: Pros and Cons

You can use five different hostings for WordPress. These WordPress Hostings are capable of housing your small business website. Whether you’re setting up your first e-commerce or not, a hosting service is your partner in showing your business to the entire world.

Here are the most common hostings for WordPress you can choose from.

Managed Hostings for WordPress

You allow another team or company to do all WordPress tasks for you. Providers of managed WordPress hostings can perform a range of managementtasks from installation to updates, from backup to restoration.

What do you do? Pay them and discuss with them the things you need and want for your website.

The cost depends on the extent of WordPress management you give up on the team or company. A managed WordPress hosting could start with a few dollars to a thousand every month.


It is best for businesses with high traffic. So, for a startup company or small business owners, this might not yet be the best option for you.


  • You get speedy websites.
  • The website has enhanced security.
  • Updates are complete.
  • Backups are regular.
  • You receive technical support.


  • You don’t control the technical aspects.
  • Costs are costlier than other options.
  • This service uses only one CMS platform: WordPress.
shared hostings for WordPress
Shared Hostings for WordpPress are like riding a bus filled with other people. (source)

Shared WordPress Hostings

Out of the five different hostings, shared service is the most affordable. It is tagged as the public transportation of small businesses towards the vast world of the Internet.

You can compare shared WordPress hostings to a bus filled with passengers. Sharing is comfortable up to some extent.

A server could house a thousand websites and you’re sharing it with these owners. But when the load reaches its maximum limit, performance slows down.


This is best for small businesses with low traffic. If your website doesn’t depend on its online presence to generate revenue, shared hostings for WordPress could be the best option.


  • The service is cost-effective.
  • You can choose from practically hundreds of providers.
  • Other scripts are available aside from WP.
  • Setup is easy and quick.


  • Technical support isn’t as awesome as managed hostings for WordPress.
  • Vulnerability to attacks is increased for un-updated sites.
  • Sharing IP addresses with others may put you at risk.

Dedicated WP Hostings

Dedicated hostings for WordPress are the most expensive ones. You get, however, a dedicated server for you. Your website is the only “person” using all the available hardware.

This service could start with a minimum of a hundred to as high as a thousand dollars. Like managed hostings for WordPress, website performance and speed are great.

The server is a physical computer housed near your area of business or inside your business property. The most critical aspect of dedicated hostings for WordPress is the creation of back-up and its procedures.


This is best for business sites with very high traffic. Often, large enterprises use this service when they rely on e-commerce to generate revenue.


  • You can lease the unused hardware to other WP sites.
  • Complete control is in your hands.
  • Performance and reliability are assured.
  • Website speed is good.


  • Dedicated servers require high capital investment.
  • You need technical expertise unless you hire someone to do tasks for you.
  • Hardware failure could lead to longer downtimes (depends on lots of factors).
Dedicated WP Hostings
Dedicated and VPS Hostings create flexibility and full technical control (source)

VPS WordPress Hostings

VPS (Virtual Private Servers) hosting is a lot like a dedicated server, except for two aspects. One, you share the server with other websites. Two, your server is in a virtual network.

As for sharing, you can choose to share your virtual server with other users. If you don’t want to share, you can ask your provider for a dedicated server, virtually.


This hosting is best for businesses with high traffic on their site. It is a cheaper option than dedicated server infrastructures.


  • This hosting offers flexibility and full control (almost).
  • You get to enjoy privacy.
  • Security is high and risks are minimal
  • Fewer sites are using the server if you don’t mind sharing 


  • Technical support is non-existent.
  • You manage everything WordPress related (a nuisance if you aren’t tech-savvy)
  • Resource allocation isn’t equal sometimes.

Cloud Hosting Plans

These hosting plans are similar to VPS hostings, except for the allocation of resources among users. Each virtual server has equal distribution.

Unlike before, cloud services are stable now. You can scale up as you grow your small business.


This is the best of medium to high traffic websites. If you foresee a growth in your business revenues in a short period, you can start with this option. Affordable options are available.


  • The hosting is more affordable than VPS and dedicated services.
  • Stable performance is guaranteed.
  • Downtime is minimal, perfect for businesses who rely on online revenues.


  • You might experience crappy tech support (if you choose the wrong provider).
different hostings for WordPress
Cloud Hostings for WordPress offer scalabiltiy and flexibility (source)

Which One to Choose?

Your final decision depends on a lot of factors. Understand the needs of your business.

If your business is small and just starting in the virtual world, shared hosting is a good start. As you scale up, you can upgrade your current plan.

Nathan Baldwin
Nathan Baldwin

Founder of and, providing business solutions to other WordPress site owners.

Articles: 281

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