WordPress is the easiest platform to start a website or business on. It’s made to be reachable to people who know little to nothing of web design and development, and almost any can use it. Many people go with the wrong format once they’ve picked a theme and added a few pages. WordPress maintenance is actually quite a time-consuming task. There’s so much to do including backups, security patching, SEO, bug fixing, and performance optimization. WordPress support or even the assistance of an actual developer can really help you get going. If any of the problems you’re facing, then a managed website care plan might be just what you need.
When you decide to go with a WordPress site, you’re usually on your own. From start to end i.e. designing and maintaining your new website is all up to you. On the other hand, you’ll get more hands to approach. Get a website care plan from a specialized company with services optimized for WordPress, and they’ll handle not just the hosting and server issues, but also maintenance and even some aspects of design and development. In a simple way- if you’re going to handle maintenance and website setup yourself, then you can stick with a normal host and forgo the care plan. But if you’re in too deep and need help keeping your site buoyant, then a care plan is definitely worth the money.
Several people have the mindset of WordPress is a CMS you can just set up and forget all about. WordPress will run in the background, never doing any kind of maintenance or bug testing, is the worst mistake you can make. There’s a whole host of tasks you need to be keeping up with.
With website care plan, you don’t have to worry about anything. Experts will handle it all; if your site crashes, you’ll be notified and can restore a backup immediately. WordPress will always be up to date, and if you need to check analytics, it’s just a matter of clicking a link and seeing the recent trends.
Security is one thing that everyone should take it seriously, and that’s the main reason WordPress is the CMS hackers prefer to target. Many website owners don’t bother securing their site, or just don’t know better. When someone forcefully starts rolling in, you don’t want to be one of those people who end up with your login credentials stolen and a defaced website. They should help you keep your core, plugin files, and theme; out of date software leaves a big hole in your site for hackers to slip in through.
Their services are useful, but it’s really important how much time they can save. Imagine having to spend hours on maintenance issues and troubleshooting without any help at all. You don’t need a heap of WordPress maintenance on top of it. As for the time saved, it pays for itself. If you’re spending hours dealing with little issues when you should be writing a blog post, marketing your business, or just taking some well-deserved time off, a care plan is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Every website care plan is different. IT’s all on the company that what they are providing you, and how much time they’re willing to give. Some WordPress care plans just cover the basics i.e they’ll handle the maintenance and free their hands to work on content creation or on content writing. Others work very closely with you to optimize your site, fix bugs or add small features.
We have WordPress care plans available- WordPress care is great if you want only maintenance services running in the background, while our growth plan is more in-depth and focused on you. Choose the plans that complete your needs and finally reclaim your valuable time.